Showing entries 81 - 100 out of 130
Digitaler Humanismus
Katja Mayer
Auslandskulturtagung 2021
Talk or oral contribution
7.9.2021 - 7.9.2021
IC2S2 - International Conference on Computational Social Science
Katja Mayer
Sune Lehmann
Ludo Waltmann
Mary Sutherland
David Lazer
IC2S2 - International Conference on Computational Social Science
Participation in ...
28.7.2021 - 28.7.2021
Ars Boni
Katja Mayer
Nikolaus Forgó
Ars Boni
Panel discussion, round table,
Participation in ...
29.6.2021 - 29.6.2021
5 Jahre Vernetzung zu Offener Wissenschaft – Wo stehen wir heute?
Katja Mayer
5 Jahre Vernetzung zu Offener Wissenschaft – Wo stehen wir heute?
Panel discussion, round table,
Participation in ...
18.6.2021 - 18.6.2021
Citizen Science Virtual 2021
Katja Mayer
Citizen Science Virtual 2021
Organisation of ...
12.5.2021 - 12.5.2021
Digital Unconscious – Booklaunch
Katja Mayer
Digital Unconscious – Booklaunch
Panel discussion, round table,
Participation in ...
11.5.2021 - 11.5.2021
Netzpolitischer Abend
Katja Mayer
Netzpolitischer Abend
Lecture series, colloquium,
Organisation of ...
6.5.2021 - 6.5.2021
Open data practices out of the spotlight: what we can learn from initiatives that collect data on the socio-political and economic impacts of the pandemic and its management
Katja Mayer
STS Conference Graz 2021
Talk or oral contribution
4.5.2021 - 4.5.2021
Engaging with pandemic knowledge: open social science and policy
Katja Mayer
Enhancing access to research data during crises: lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic
Talk or oral contribution
23.4.2021 - 23.4.2021
Open Science: Joint Efforts for a Better Future
Katja Mayer
JC Burgelman
Lutz Möller
Katharina Höne
Nadja Meyer
Addressing Global Challenges Together: the Role of Science Diplomacy
Talk or oral contribution
17.3.2021 - 17.3.2021
Management von Forschungsdaten in den Sozialwissenschaften
Katja Mayer
Lisa Hönegger
Susanne Blumesberger
Gute Forschung braucht gute Daten
Talk or oral contribution
9.3.2021 - 9.3.2021
KSÖ Rechts- und Technologiedialog
Katja Mayer
Johannes Kopf
Helmut Leopold
Elisabeth Frankus
Corinna Engelhardt-Nowitzki
Markus Popolari
KSÖ Rechts- und Technologiedialog
Panel discussion, round table,
Participation in ...
4.3.2021 - 4.3.2021
Katja Mayer
Co-shaping evaluation in Citizen Science?
Talk or oral contribution
27.1.2021 - 27.1.2021
Co-shaping evaluation in Citizen Science?
Katja Mayer
Co-shaping evaluation in Citizen Science?
Organisation of ...
27.1.2021 - 27.1.2021
Kickoff: Forschungsplattform Governance of Digital Practices
Katja Mayer
Christof Tschohl
Ingrid Brodnig
Sandra Wachter
Kickoff: Forschungsplattform Governance of Digital Practices
Participation in ...
14.1.2021 - 14.1.2021
Reflexion über Citizen Science
Katja Mayer
CitSci Helvetia21
Talk or oral contribution
14.1.2021 - 14.1.2021
Open Science Diplomacy
Katja Mayer
S4D4C Webinar Series
Talk or oral contribution
17.12.2020 - 17.12.2020
Entscheiden wir selbst im digitalen Zeitalter?
Katja Mayer
Talk or oral contribution
25.11.2020 - 25.11.2020
GSK-Forschungsinfrastrukturen in Österreich
Katja Mayer
Talk or oral contribution
19.10.2020 - 19.10.2020
Showing entries 81 - 100 out of 130