
Showing entries 101 - 120 out of 130

Netzpolitischer Abend AT

Katja Mayer
Netzpolitischer Abend AT
Lecture series, colloquium, Organisation of ...
1.10.2020 - 1.10.2020

Digitale Werte und Menschliche Würde

Katja Mayer
Digital Days 2020
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
30.9.2020 - 30.9.2020

Digital Transformation of Austrian Humanities – accelerated?

Katja Mayer
DHA Days
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
25.9.2020 - 25.9.2020

Österreichische Citizen Science Conference 2020

Nadja Kerschhofer-Puhalo , Veronika Wöhrer , Tobias Buchner , Katja Mayer , Barbara Kieslinger
Österreichische Citizen Science Conference 2020
Conference, Organisation of ...
16.9.2020 - 16.9.2020

Reaching the hard to reach? Reflexionen und Strategien zur Einbindung von Co-Forschenden, die als schwer erreichbar gelten

Veronika Wöhrer , Tobias Buchner , Nadja Kerschhofer-Puhalo , Barbara Kieslinger , Katja Mayer
5. Österreichischen Citizen Science Konferenz 2020
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
16.9.2020 - 16.9.2020

Open Science in Österreich

Katja Mayer
Die Open Science Strategie für Österreich
Panel discussion, round table, Talk or oral contribution
15.9.2020 - 15.9.2020

Co-evaluation in citizen (social) science

Katja Mayer
ECSA Conference 2020 European Citizen Science Association
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
10.9.2020 - 10.9.2020

Encounters in Citizen Science

Katja Mayer
ECSA Conference 2020 European Citizen Science Association
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
9.9.2020 - 9.9.2020

4S / EASST 2020

Katja Mayer
4S / EASST 2020
Conference, Organisation of ...
18.8.2020 - 21.8.2020

COVID-19, Big Data and civil liberties - where is the journey going?

Katja Mayer
45. Netzpolitischer Abend
Other, Talk or oral contribution
2.4.2020 - 2.4.2020

CoAct Kickoff

Katja Mayer
CoAct Kickoff
Conference, Participation in ...
14.1.2020 - 14.1.2020

Plugin Spannungsfeld

Katja Mayer
Plugin Spannungsfeld
Seminar/Workshop, Participation in ...
..2020 - ..2021

European Citizen Science

Katja Mayer
European Citizen Science
Seminar/Workshop, Participation in ...
12.12.2019 - 12.12.2019

Open Science Diplomacy

Katja Mayer
Talk or oral contribution
25.11.2019 - 26.11.2019

S4D4C’s 2nd Networking Meeting (European)

Katja Mayer
S4D4C’s 2nd Networking Meeting (European)
Conference, Participation in ...
10.10.2019 - 10.10.2019

Open Science Fellowship

Katja Mayer
Open Science Fellowship
Seminar/Workshop, Participation in ...
13.9.2019 - 14.9.2019

Big Open Data- Challenges and Opportunities

Katja Mayer
Open Seal Lab
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
6.9.2019 - 6.9.2019

Digital transformation - why cities should foster their communities of practice

Katja Mayer
European Cities Conference
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
18.6.2019 - 18.6.2019

The 13th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM-2019)

Katja Mayer , Axel Bruns , Katharina Kinder-Kurlanda , Christin Schäfer
The 13th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM-2019)
Conference, Organisation of ...
13.6.2019 - 13.6.2019

The 13th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM-2019)

Katja Mayer
The 13th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM-2019)
Conference, Organisation of ...
11.6.2019 - 14.6.2019

Showing entries 101 - 120 out of 130