Data Governance in Times of Crisis


The quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions to combat SARS-CoV-2 is critical to be better prepared for future crises. In this unit of the DIGIGOV lecture series I had the pleasure to invite Peter Klimek (MedUni Vienna) to discuss the multiple challenges researchers face when taking up new roles in policy advice and science communication while working under pandemic conditions.

Since the effectiveness of such interventions results from the interplay of many factors (timing of implementation, accompanying measures, local and cultural context, ...), complex computational and simulation models are needed to isolate the effects of individual interventions and assess their impact on infection incidence. We discussed the current state of knowledge on assessing the effectiveness of individual pandemic response measures, their limitations, and the extent to which this knowledge has been incorporated into decision-making processes.

Peter Klimek (Science of Complex Systems, Medical University of Vienna & Complexity Science Hub Vienna)

Website of lecture series